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It's Elderberry Syrup Season

elderberry syrup immune health recipe Oct 13, 2023




Fall has hit and so have fall allergies, colds, and viruses! 🤧 One thing I love to have on hand is elderberry syrup! 

I was quickly reminded of this as I got hit with a sinus infection this week! I'm all about natural remedies to keep me healthy and boost my immune system.

Elderberry syrup is a natural remedy that may offer several potential health benefits including:

➡️ Immune system support: Elderberries are rich in antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which are believed to help boost the immune system and protect against colds and flu. Some studies suggest that elderberry syrup may reduce the severity and duration of these illnesses. 

➡️Anti-inflammatory properties: The antioxidants in elderberries may have anti-inflammatory effects, which can be beneficial for a variety of health conditions, including arthritis and cardiovascular issues.
➡️Antiviral effects: Elderberries contain compounds that can inhibit the replication of viruses, which may make them useful in preventing and treating viral infections.

➡️Rich in vitamins and nutrients: Elderberries are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as minerals like potassium and iron, which can support overall health.
➡️Antioxidant properties: Elderberries are known to have high levels of antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

➡️Respiratory health: Some people use elderberry syrup to alleviate symptoms of respiratory infections and allergies, as it may help reduce mucus production and ease congestion.

➡️Digestive health: Elderberry syrup may have mild laxative and diuretic effects, which can help with digestive issues and urinary tract health.

When I don’t have the time to make it myself, I purchase locally from The Power of Elderberries. They ship anywhere too!  All elderberry products are not created equal, so it's important to choose a reputable source and I can trust this company! 

The recipe I use is in the video, but here it is again so it's easy for you to follow!


⅔ cup dried black elderberries (about 3 ounces)

3½ cups of water

2 Tablespoons fresh or dried ginger root

1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

½ teaspoon cloves or clove powder

1 cup raw honey 


Pour water into medium saucepan and add elderberries, ginger, cinnamon and cloves


Bring to a boil and then cover and reduce to a simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour until the liquid has reduced by almost half. At that point, remove from heat and let cool enough to be handled. Mash the berries carefully using a spoon or other flat utensil. Pour through a strainer into a glass jar or bowl.

Discard the elderberries (or compost them!) and let the liquid cool to lukewarm. When it is no longer hot, add 1 cup of honey and stir well.

When honey is well mixed into the elderberry mixture, pour the syrup into a mason jar or some type of glass bottle.

The standard dose is ½ tsp to 1 tsp for kids and ½ Tbsp to 1 Tbsp for adults. If the flu does strike, take the normal dose every 2-3 hours instead of once a day until symptoms disappear.

Makes approximately 3 Cups

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