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7-Day Gratitude Journal

Nov 17, 2023

Thanksgiving Week

This time of year has mixed emotions for me.  Thanksgiving brings up amazing memories of holidays with family and time set aside to be intentional with gratitude.  

But in 2001 Thanksgiving ended up being one of the worst days of my life when my brother took his life.  From then on, this day reminded me of trauma, loss, grief, and sorrow.  Each year instead of thinking of all I had to be grateful for, I relived that day over and over, ruminated on all we lost, and how tragic it was.

Healing In Layers

Healing is like an onion, often happening one layer at a time.  With help and support, drawing close to God each time, I now choose to give thanks. Not because of what happened, but in spite of what happened.

You see, in spite of the loss, the trauma, and the grief, God still is God and is still in control.  He still loves me and our family and is still so good, loving, and compassionate to us.

Grateful For What I Have and What I've Had

We should be intentional in giving thanks and praise EVERYDAY, but the busyness of life sometimes distracts us from that.  So this week as we lead into Thanksgiving Day, spend a few moments thinking of 3 things you can thank God for. Because even in the middle of challenges, loss, and struggles there is goodness somewhere if we lift our eyes to see!





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